聖書で出会った植物たちと、出会う。 聖書を彩る植物が彩る、春夏秋冬

English follows Japanese

聖書植物園のご案内 -聖書を彩る植物が彩るキャンパス-




しかし聖書の植物の復元には困難が伴います。その第一は、古代には現代のような植物分類学がなかったことです。そのために聖書で言及される植物の同定は困難な場合が少なくありません。また、日本にはない植物も多いので、誤訳もあり、従って翻訳上の困難や混乱もあります。それは展示植物の表示板上の『聖書 新共同訳』(「新共同訳」)と『聖書』(「口語訳」)の差異にも示されているところです。第二に、聖書の地、パレスチナの気候風土が、福岡と異なる点です。現在、福岡での越冬が困難な植物は、冬期間室内で保管するため鉢植えにしています。また、高温多湿に弱い植物もあり、系統維持には困難が伴います。


Your Guide to the Biblical Botanical Garden of Seinan Gakuin University ~a campus colored with the plants and flowers of the Bible~

Palestine, the land of the Bible, is located in the southeast of the area known as the Fertile Crescent. Although Palestine is no larger than the island of Shikoku, it is extraordinarily rich in the variety of its landscapes and climate. Today more than 2,800 varieties of trees and plants from alpine flora in the northern mountains to desert flora in the south thrive in Palestine. More than one hundred of these are mentioned in verses throughout the Bible.

Many memorable plants and flowers that enrich the Bible stories-including lentil, cedar of Lebanon, castor oil plant, carob tree, lilies of the field, mustard seed, and sycamore-can be found in the Biblical Botanical Garden of Seinan Gakuin University. The first reference to lentils occurs in the story of Jacob in which lentil stew was exchanged for Esau,s birthright as the elder son (Genesis 25:29-34). King Solomon,s Temple, also called the First Temple, was built out of cedars from Lebanon (1 Kings 6:15-16). The bush that sprouted up in a night to shade Jonah and then perished in a night is thought to have been the caster oil plant (Jonah 4:6-10). The prodigal son found himself so close to starvation that he envied pigs for their regular meals of carob pods (Luke 15:16). Jesus pointed to the lilies, or flowers, of the field as a reminder of the futility of worry when we can depend on God to attend to our needs (Matthew 6:28; Luke 12:27). The mustard seed, the eponymous herb of Jesus, parable, is used to illustrate the increase of God,s kingdom from small beginnings that grow as from a tiny seed to be the greatest of all (Matthew 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-19). Because of his short stature, the tax collector Zacchaeus climbed up a sycamore tree to assure himself of getting a good look at Jesus over the crowd of people (Luke 19:3-4). After reading such stories as these from the Bible, perhaps you have wondered what the plants really look like. The Biblical Botanical Garden of Seinan Gakuin University gives you the opportunity to find out.

Our Biblical Botanical Garden was established in November 1999 as part of the University,s 50th anniversary celebrations. With a donation from the university alumni association, we began to cultivate and display some of the plants and flowers that appear in the Bible. Because the Bible is such an ancient text and because the stories within it took place in a part of the world very remote from Japan, our project has presented some special challenges. First, there are problems with identification of the plants that are mentioned in Bible verses. The writers of the Bible did not of course refer to modern plant taxonomies. Moreover, many plants and flowers native to Palestine are not found in Japan, which created naming difficulties for us. We used two different Japanese translations of the Bible and found differences between them in the naming of many of the plants, which highlights the fact that translations of many Biblical plant names are not unified or agreed upon. Our second challenge concerns the climatic differences between Palestine and Fukuoka. Fukuoka,s more extreme conditions do not suit many of the plants and flowers. The humid summers can be extremely taxing, as can the colder winters. The more delicate plants are grown in pots and kept indoors throughout the harsher months.

When the Biblical Botanical Garden opened, there were nine species of plants and flowers. Today you can find over one hundred. Please take this guide as our invitation to wander around our campus experiencing the sight, touch and fragrance of the flora that grace the stories of the Bible.
