E-Mail List
Join Now the SIFA's E-Mail List,
a Wonderful Forum for SIFA Members to Exchange Their Ideas, Share News and Recent Experiences, Make Contacts, Plan Reunion Events, and Much More.

* A global network of friends and colleagues will be in effect established and built among the SIFA members.

logo To join the SIFA's e-mail list (ML), fill out the "Information Update Form" on the "Update Your Address/Occupation" page.
logo After subscribing to the ML, you will be informed of the ML address and the list of the SIFA members being registered in the ML.
Thanks for staying in touch with your Alma Mater and helping strengthen the SIFA network. The e-mail list is indeed a tool useful to share our experiences and thoughts among us all including the international SIFA members living overseas. In an effort to enhance the value and quality of the tool, I would like to ask that, when writing an e-mail message in Japanese, the Japanese members
 (i) type in the subject in English (REQUIRED), and
 (ii) add a summary message in English (if possible)
Thanks for your understanding in advance. Stay in touch!

In Japanese: お願い:
メイリングリスト へメッセージ感謝します.以下,お願いです. メイリングリストに向けて日本語メッセージを作成の場合, 外国在住の元留学生別科生 SIFA 会員も理解できるよう配慮するために,
 (i) 件名(Subject)は英語で入力します(これは必須です).
 (ii) 可能なら,メッセージの「短い英文要約(Summary Message in English)」を加えて下さい.


logo Note 2:
No files of any kind may be attached to the e-mail when using the ML! (The URL of files should rather be indicated in the e-mail message .)

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