
> Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law

Department of Law

To acquire knowledge concerning the society and the people, and to obtain skills in order to succeed in the society through the knowledge of law
To gain deep understanding of the society and the people

        If a married couple applied to the municipal authorities to register their child, who was born from a gestational mother in a foreign country, as theirs, should the office accept this application? There are laws that give hints to the question, but even so, there are controversial views even among legal experts. The purpose of studying law is not merely memorizing the texts of law provisions, but to acquire skills to discuss and attempt to give answers to the questions as this. Therefore, through the study of law, students would be able to, at the same time, enrich their understanding of the society.

The ability to build a logical discussion
        In order to satisfy a large number or people, one must be able to build a logical discussion. Diligent study of law may take time, but in the long run, would be a shortcut to acquire logical way of thinking.

A variety of career options

        There is a strong requirement in every aspect of the society for those who have a rich understanding of the society and the people, and have the skills to build a logical argument. There are various career options for graduates from this division. For example, there are those that continue their studies in Law School to become lawyers or judicial experts, become public officials, acquire qualifications or licenses, or become employed in companies. As students progress in their studies, they would determine which career path they wish to take, and choose their subjects accordingly.

Department of International Relations Law

Cultivating strong intellectual capacity with a global perspective
        The main purpose of the Department of International Relations Law is to foster human resources who (1) have a wide perspective who do not adhere too closely to one specific viewpoint, (2) can exchange and share opinions with people who have different ways of thinking, and can work together with such people in tackling various problems that we currently face, and (3) can maintain an international perspective and standpoint, using international relations law as one of the core.  
        In the past, "international" relations were considered something "outside of Japan", but now, triggered by issues such as environmental matters, it is little by little being recognized that our daily lives are closely connected with matters outside Japan, or global issues. The Department of International Law aims to allow students to acquire the ability to succeed in an international society, and at the same time, to exert such ability in local communities by effectively introducing an international perspective.


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Seinan Gakuin University

6-2-92 Nishijin, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka 814-8511 Japan

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